Our Service Pays For Itself or We’ll Work For Free

How Fees Work
All costs are discussed and agreed to up front: there are no hidden costs. Also, we will provide an up-front initial consultation at no cost. When it is all said and done, even after you pay us, you will have more money in your pocket than you would have otherwise.
This chart is an example of how our public adjusting service pays for itself. These numbers are from an actual claim we’ve worked on. The dark portion is the insurance company’s initial offer. The grey and red amounts represent the increased amount of recovery by SKIPTON Claims Management. Obviously, your increased recovery amount will vary depending on the circumstances involved in your case
Our Public Adjuster fees are very competitive, but more importantly, the way that we prepare and support your claim will add significant value to your claim recovery.

“Our investment property was struck by lightning and sustained heavy damage from fire, smoke and water throughout the home. The team of professional public adjusters at Skipton Claims Management worked diligently to assess all damages and also explained my policy’s options so that we could make the best choices as the claim process progressed. One example (of many) how Skipton’s team proved their worth is that my insurance company initially offered payment to replace all wall and ceiling coverings with drywall. However, Skipton pointed out the fact that the wall and ceiling coverings were actually composed of plaster, not drywall, which is much more costly to replace. Skipton’s team was successful in working with my insurance company to reach a fair and accurate settlement. We are highly satisfied with their work and absolutely recommend their services to any who wants a fair settlement for their claim.”